B1 Dialogue #8. Talking about shopping

Today we are talking about shopping in English. We will ask each other a few questions and answer them. All vocabulary from the dialogue is parsed into a PDF transcripts, which you can download in our Telegram channel.

(1) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘shopping’?

I am very predictable, because I start thinking about shopping malls, different shops and cafes.

(2) Is shopping a real hobby?

It might be. Some people are keen on fashion (очень увлекаются модой). They follow a bunch of blogs, look at pictures in fashion magazines, read forums. They can choose the best cut and style (покрой и стиль одежды). Sometimes they transform their hobby into a job. 

(3) Why do women like shopping more than men?

Women can’t resist the temptation (устоять перед соблазном) of buying brand new clothes

(4) When’s the best time to go shopping?

In the morning, when there are not many customers in the mall and as a result no lines (очереди) in fitting rooms

(5) Do people always need the things they buy when they go shopping? 

No, they don’t! Advertising makes us buy unnecessary things. 

That’s why it’s very important to make a list (сделать список) before you go shopping.

(6) Do you prefer going shopping alone or with friends?

I prefer going shopping alone. I don’t like when somebody distracts  (отвлекает) me.

(7) Which is better, shopping in shops or shopping online?

Both ways have pros and cons (плюсы и минусы). When you shop online, you don’t spend time and money on getting to the shop. You can also read reviews about the products. Sometimes online stores  sell products at low prices, which is pretty good. But online you can’t try on (примерить) and check the clothes you are buying. Shopping in shops can be better sometimes.

(8) Have you ever experienced “trolley rage” when shopping?

No, I haven’t. I’ve seen it in movies only. It is terrible.

(9) What’s the worst shopping experience you’ve had?

Once, I bought a beautiful pair of shoes at a good price, but they were very small for my feet. I couldn’t understand how I could buy these shoes. I was disappointed, but I returned (вернула) them to the store.

(10) Is shopping an addiction? How can it be cured?

Of course, it can be cured. Addiction is always bad. People should try doing something else, but not going shopping. 

(1) Do you like shopping?

Not much. Especially now, when the prices are getting higher (цены растут). I’d prefer to save some money. 

(2) Is window shopping a total waste of time?

Yeah, I think so. For me it’s not that interesting. It’s better to go to gym (пойти в спортзал) or somewhere else. 

(3) When did shopping become so popular?

In our country in the end of 90s I believe. When a lot of shops just opened. Capitalism came to Russia (капитализм пришел в Россию)

(4) Do you prefer shopping in malls, markets or streets?

Markets are more interesting. But there are not so many of them around (их не так много вокруг), so I have to go shopping in malls. 

(5) What’s top of your shopping list?

I don’t know. If we don’t count (считать, учитывать) food, I like different shirts (рубашка) and T-shirts (футболки), some shoes may be or jackets (куртки). 

(6) In which store would you like to go on a shopping spree?

In some big malls I think. There are a lot of them in Moscow. 

(7) What is the thing you forget most often when you go shopping?

I don’t know. It’s better to make a list of things you are going to buy. So you won’t forget anything.

(8) Do you like going shopping in other countries?

Yes I do, but not for clothes (не ради вещей). I like buying some interesting things I can find only in this country. It’s a good memory. (Это хорошая память)

(9) What’s the difference between ‘going shopping’ and ‘doing the shopping’?

That’s an interesting question. To go shopping means that you want to buy something new or special, for example some clothes, technical products, gifts and so on. So you want to buy it and you go shopping for it.

To do the shopping describes the regular process of going to the supermarket to buy food and the other necessary items we need for everyday life. 

to go shopping – ходить по магазинам (покупать одежду, электронику, подарки и тп.)

to do the shopping – делать ежедневные покупки, которые необходимы для жизни. Покупать еду, воду и т.д.